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Domingo 04/03/2018, 23:19:46
El feminismo lleva a emma watson al suicidio..
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13146 Posts - 1578 Puntos
Q.E.P.D Emma Watson, el feminismo termino de fulminar a esta pobre mina.

En la carta la actriz declaró: “[i]reconocer el privilegio blanco es un proceso interminable para el que la única concusión es el suicidio”.

[/i]Asi que ya saben chicas blancas, si son feministas su unica solución logica es el suicidio.
Domingo 04/03/2018, 23:20:06
13146 Posts - 1578 Puntos
Que opinan de esto?
Domingo 04/03/2018, 23:25:31
4523 Posts - 850 Puntos
Es un chiste esto no?
El tono de la nota es lamentable.
Domingo 04/03/2018, 23:31:20
13146 Posts - 1578 Puntos
Escrito por Yo_Canibal

Es un chiste esto no?
El tono de la nota es lamentable.
Lamentable es que se quiera suicidar por el color de su piel, campeon.

Pero lo importante es el tono de la nota, lobotomia completada.
Domingo 04/03/2018, 23:44:18
4523 Posts - 850 Puntos
Escrito por fran.rojoo

Escrito por Yo_Canibal

Es un chiste esto no?
El tono de la nota es lamentable.
Lamentable es que se quiera suicidar por el color de su piel, campeon.

Pero lo importante es el tono de la nota, lobotomia completada.

Claro que el tono es importante, suele indicar la seriedad y confiabilidad de la informacion que se esta presentando.

Esta es la carta que escribió Emma Watson:

[i]Dear OSS,

There is so much racism, both in our past and present, that is not acknowledged and accounted for. I know this to be
the case from my own education, and I know there is so much more for me
to learn. This is why I’m excited to announce that our first book of
2018 is Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni
Eddo-Lodge which talks about the history of racism in Britain, and ways
we can see, acknowledge and challenge racism. I am not supposed to have
favourites, however this was the most important book for me this year.

When I gave my UN speech in 2015, so much of what I said was about the idea
that “being a feminist is simple!” Easy! No problem! I have since
learned that being a feminist is more than a single choice or decision.
It’s an interrogation of self. Every time I think I’ve peeled all the
layers, there’s another layer to peel. But, I also understand that the
most difficult journeys are often the most worthwhile. And that this
process cannot be done at anyone else’s pace or speed.

When I heard myself being called a “white feminist” I didn’t understand (I
suppose I proved their case in point). What was the need to define me —
or anyone else for that matter — as a feminist by race? What did this
mean? Was I being called racist? Was the feminist movement more
fractured than I had understood? I began...panicking.

It would have been more useful to spend the time asking myself questions like:
What are the ways I have benefited from being white? In what ways do I
support and uphold a system that is structurally racist? How do my race,
class and gender affect my perspective? There seemed to be many types
of feminists and feminism. But instead of seeing these differences as
divisive, I could have asked whether defining them was actually
empowering and bringing about better understanding. But I didn’t know to
ask these questions.

I met a woman this year named Happy who works for an organization called Mama Cash and she told me this about
her long history working in the women’s sector: “Call me out. But if
you’re going to call me out, walk alongside me as I do the work”.
Working alongside women like Happy is a privilege. As human beings, as
friends, as family members, as partners, we all have blind spots; we
need people that love us to call us out and then walk with us while we
do the work.

This has been an amazing two years for me, working on Our Shared Shelf. There were moments when I wondered whether the club
should be an ongoing thing. Thank you for making me sure that it would
be crazy not to keep going in 2018.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed, laid themselves bare, been patient and compassionate or
shared useful information with other members of the community. Thanks
to those who hid books and posted their photos to Instagram, or started a
talking circle or smaller club and met up in different parts of the

Everyone has their own journey, and it may not always be easy, but what I can promise is that you’ll meet some extremely cool
people that you will REALLY love and respect along the way that will
walk this path with you. You’re not alone. And even if you are, in a
particular moment...remember you come from a long line of feminists who
did this work, in the outside world but also inside themselves. As we
move into 2018, I hope Reni Eddo-Lodge's book empowers and inspires you
as much as it has me. I am looking forward to discussing it in more
detail with you soon.

Emma xx


Como obviamente no vas a tomarte la molestia de leerlo, ya que el articulo pedorro que posteaste sacó las conclusiones por vos, probá haciendo ctrl+f "suicide", a ver si en algun lugar habló de suicidarse.

X otro lado, leí un par de articulos más en la pagina esa y dios mio.. el miedo que tienen algunos de que las mujeres, los negros, los judios, los arabes, los pobres y los homosexuales tengan los mismos derechos que ellos es tragicomico.
X suerte son cada vez menos, solo les queda patalear hasta extinguirse.
Domingo 04/03/2018, 23:59:57
13519 Posts - 2038 Puntos
Totalmente a favor de la decision de las feministas radicales de suicidarse
Lunes 05/03/2018, 00:00:26
397 Posts - 136 Puntos
¿Y esto qué tiene que ver con el rojo??
Lunes 05/03/2018, 00:09:38
6088 Posts - 708 Puntos
Creo que me equivoque de foro.
Lunes 05/03/2018, 00:10:43
5561 Posts - 2229 Puntos
Tiene mierda en la cabeza, los extremos son malos, y esta supero el extremo
Lunes 05/03/2018, 00:31:40
5498 Posts - 712 Puntos
Y los Iluminatis y Reptilianos? Sergio? xd
Lunes 05/03/2018, 00:53:36
54717 Posts - 20172 Puntos
Opino que Emma esta barbara.
Lunes 05/03/2018, 01:32:21
2104 Posts - 983 Puntos
Emma está bárbara, pero ya debe ser tortita.
En fin, estas boludeces van a aumentar en 1500 a medida del transcurso del año. Gracias feminazismo.
Lunes 05/03/2018, 01:43:37
204 Posts - 223 Puntos
Que asco el progresismo feminista moderno.
Genera cosas como esta, o que ahora abrirle la puerta del auto a una chica, o dejarla pasar primero es un "micromachismo" y automáticamente sos un acosador y violador en potencia.